直播回顾 | 通关“密”籍,危险品进出口通关实务
来源:今日热点网 发布时间:2024-06-28 11:04:12


With the sharp increase in the volume of hazardous chemicals import and export business in recent years, the customs has constantly put forward higher requirements for the supervision of hazardous chemicals. On the evening of June 26, 20:00, Milkyway invited Mr. Xin Jingzhen, deputy general manager of Milkyway Customs Business Department, as the keynote speaker to give a detailed interpretation of the import and export process and relevant laws and regulations of dangerous goods and chemicals, and through the video display of real cases, let us have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the import and export process of dangerous chemicals, so as to achieve efficient and compliant customs clearance operations.


This live broadcast, while understanding customs affairs knowledge, milkyway's strong strength in the field of customs services also left a deep impression on everyone. Milkyway has the qualification of self-care and agent customs declaration registration, AEO advanced certification enterprise qualification, and also serves as the specially invited trade style supervisor and the chairman unit of Shanghai customs declaration Association. It has won the title of five-star enterprise with declaration quality in Shanghai Customs District and national excellent customs declaration enterprise. With 20 years of rich experience in declaration of dangerous goods and chemicals and senior business team, milkyway provides a full range of customs declaration services, including import and export customs clearance services under various trade modes, customs clearance of featured empty tank business, customs consulting and agent certificate services. The product industries involved include chemicals, dangerous goods, daily chemicals, automotive industry, new energy, semiconductors, red wine and vodka.




Q1: how to declare hazardous chemicals that are identified as non listed hazardous chemicals in the classification and identification report but only meet the requirements of definition and determination principles?

According to the implementation guidelines, although those that meet the "2828 listed items" and "definition and determination principles" are both classified as "hazardous chemicals", there are different regulatory requirements in practical operation. Article 2828 specifies that the items are key regulatory objects that need to apply for production and business licenses and registration at the emergency department, and are listed as customs inspection objects in the import and export field. If it is not a hazardous chemical listed in Article 2828 and only meets the requirements of definition and determination principles, it does not require production and operation permits from the emergency department, nor is it a subject of customs inspection. However, relevant production and import enterprises need to register hazardous chemicals and can declare them as general goods during declaration.



Q2: which subject customs should the identification result sheet of outbound dangerous goods transport packaging be applied to?

According to the announcement of the General Administration of customs, the enterprise shall apply and handle with the customs of the place of origin.

Q3: 在国际运输上不属于危险货物,但列入《2015危险化学品目录》中的化学品需要如何申报?


Q3: how to declare chemicals that are not dangerous goods in international transportation but are listed in the 2015 list of dangerous chemicals?

According to the Announcement No. 129 of the General Administration of Customs in 2020, the chemicals in the 2015 catalogue are listed as goods under legal inspection, and the hazard shall be declared to the Customs truthfully. The name of the regulatory type (CIQ code) shall be filled in with hazardous chemicals, and the minimum package shall be pasted with GHS Chinese hazard label, which can be transported without hazardous cargo packaging. At the same time, the export electronic ledger shall be provided when the export goods are declared.

Q4: ISO TANK罐运载的危险化学品是否需要张贴GHS中文危化标签?


Q4: is GHS Chinese hazardous chemical label required for hazardous chemicals carried in ISO tank?

It needs to be posted. The customs also defines tank as a package of dangerous chemicals. If not, the label shall be rectified.

Q5: 进口危险化学品进口复出口,该如何申请出口危包证和电子底账?


Q5: How to apply for an export dangerous goods certificate and electronic ledger when importing and re exporting hazardous chemicals?

According to the relevant announcement of the General Administration of customs, the identification of the use of hazardous chemicals' packaging and the export electronic ledger need to be applied to the place of origin, but the imported products are from abroad, so the above problems have always been the blocking point and pain point in the process of enterprise customs clearance. It is suggested that enterprises should strengthen communication with local customs, report the difficulties encountered in the production and operation activities of enterprises to the customs in time, and seek the support of the customs. For hazardous chemicals that really need to be re exported, the information about the original import of goods, the current status of goods (packaging, quality), and the demands of enterprises can be fed back to the local customs, which will report to the superior functional departments one by one to obtain solutions.


In addition to full customs duties, welfare is also essential. The following is the list of winners on the day of live broadcast.

看看 Melissa 圈圈 a邓鸿建 直销双氧水 氨水 Sharon.C


Don't want to miss the wonderful live broadcast? Pay attention to milkyway satellite TV immediately, start the journey of knowledge exploration in the chemical logistics industry, win exclusive surprises and become the next lucky person!




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