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大家车网 2012-07-12 11:30 来源:pcauto 作者:佚名

  在昨天召开的保时捷监事会的会议中,现年50岁的梅博纳(Mr. Bernhard Maier)被任命为这个顶级跑车制造商董事会的新成员。梅博纳先生曾担任位于比蒂希海姆(Bietigheim-Bissingen)的保时捷德国子公司主席,他将接替主动离职的贝宁先生(Mr. Klaus Berning),成为销售与市场部门的新一任决策者,此决议立即生效。

梅博纳被任命为保时捷全球董事会新成员(0) 大家车网

  梅博纳先生年轻时接受汽修技师培训的经历使其很早就接触汽车行业,在取得高级技师资格后,梅博纳先生在斯图加特附近的卡尔夫(Calw)开始研读商业管理课程,随后加盟利多富公司(Nixdorf)。1988年,其进入宝马并担任德国及海外多个销售部门高管职务。2001年6月, 梅博纳先生加入保时捷大家庭并成功的引领德国国内的销量一路上扬。其主要负责优化和提升销售管理系统并为不断发展保时捷品牌在德国本土的知名度做出了积极的贡献。在任职保时捷德国子公司的董事总经理期间,梅博纳先生另一功绩便是成功引进了两款全新车型系列:2002年的Cayenne SUV系列以及去年9月全新Panamera四门 GT跑车系列。


  保时捷品牌一直给人以日常使用的终极跑车形象。保时捷的产品系列包括Boxster/Cayman、911、Cayenne和Panamera。保时捷中国于2001年开始运营,目前管辖27个保时捷中心,它们分布在:北京(三家)、温州(两家)、上海、广州 、青岛、杭州、成都、重庆、昆明、厦门、武汉、沈阳、大连、天津、西安、南京、哈尔滨、宁波、深圳、福州、长沙、金华、香港和澳门。另外坐落于郑州、东莞和上海浦东的三家保时捷中心也即将开业。保时捷的品牌特色就是通过高品质的营销网络,为每位保时捷客户提供独到的个性化服务。

  Managing Director of Porsche Germany Appointed Member of the Board

  Bernhard Maier Appointed Board Member Sales and Marketing of Porsche AG

  Shanghai/Stuttgart. In its session yesterday the Supervisory Board of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart, appointed Bernhard Maier (50) to the Board of Management of the manufacturer of sporting premium cars. Maier, previously Chairman of the Management of Porsche Deutschland GmbH, Bietigheim-Bissingen, is assuming the top position in the Sales and Marketing Division with immediate effect. Klaus Berning, the previous Board Member Sales and Marketing, is leaving the Company with immediate effect at his own request.

  Maier has been closely connected to the automobile ever since his youth, first completing his training as a car mechanic and then, after obtaining his full qualification as a master mechanic, studying business management in the town of Calw near Stuttgart. After working for Nixdorf, Maier joined the BMW AG sales organisation in 1988, assuming various top positions in Germany and abroad. In June 2001 Maier joined Porsche, where he successfully managed the Company’s domestic sales subsidiary. His most significant responsibilities so far include the ongoing optimisation of processes in sales management as well as the development of new systems and the establishment of a consistently positive position for the Porsche brand in the Company’s home market. Further highlights in Maier’s term in office as the Managing Director of Porsche Germany were the successful introduction of two new model series: the Cayenne Sports Utility Vehicle in 2002 and the Panamera Gran Turismo in September of last year.
  About Porsche (China) Motors Ltd.

  Porsche is known throughout the world for creating the ultimate sports cars for everyday use. The Porsche product portfolio includes the Boxster and Cayman, 911, Cayenne, and Panamera. Porsche China commenced operations in 2001, and currently oversees the operation of 27 Porsche Centres nationwide. Beijing has three, Wenzhou has two, and there are also Porsche Centres in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Kunming, Xiamen, Wuhan, Shenyang, Dalian, Tianjin, Xi’an, Nanjing, Harbin, Ningbo, Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Changsha, Jinhua, Hong Kong and Macau. An additional three Porsche Centres will be opening soon in Zhengzhou, Dongguan and Shanghai Pudong. Porsche’s dealer network strategy ensures that each Porsche owner receives the hallmark personalised care that customers have come to associate with the brand.

责任编辑: 可岚
